Queen Esther uwague. Celebrant

Inside bos9ja entertainment gist. We the workers ,staffs and management of BOSNATA tv and radio the number one online tv and radio in Nigeria.

Wish to celebrate a great personality in edo , who base in USA as she hits plus one today 10th April 2021, it’s no other person than queen Esther uwague , who is a great sponsorer and matron to many organizations , according to the few edo movie artists and actresses who congratulated her said she is a lady of everybody that loves to carry everyone along.

That is why we at bosnata tv is taking out this time to wish you a long lasting belated birthday,we join the whole of heaven and the edo in diaspora and the edo people at home to celebrate you queen uwague.

May you reign continuously and always be happy, May this your birthday be the beginning of a new dimension in your life.just as you continue to put smiles in the faces of many.

This wish is coming from ,BOSNATA TV.

Happy birthday to you once again.

Signed by : management

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